
Mouthguards are protective devices that cover the teeth and gums to prevent and reduce injury to the teeth, lips, and gums. They are commonly used in sports to shield the oral structures from impact and during sleep to prevent damage from teeth grinding.

  • Icon depicting a price tag with a dollar sign in the center, representing cost or pricing information.


    The cost of custom mouthguards varies depending on the type and material. We provide a detailed cost breakdown during your consultation and discuss payment options, including insurance coverage if applicable.

    Office Fees
  • Icon depicting an hourglass, representing the concept of time, duration, or waiting period.

    Procedure Duration

    The process for getting a custom mouthguard involves an initial consultation and a follow-up appointment to fit the mouthguard. Each visit typically lasts about 30 minutes.

    Call First Dental Center
  • Icon depicting a pillow and a feather, representing comfort or sleep, possibly indicating sedation dentistry or a gentle, comfortable dental experience.

    Comfort Measures

    We aim to ensure each visit is as comfortable as possible by utilizing gentle techniques and creating a soothing environment.

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Protect Your Smile with Custom-Made Mouthguards

Mouthguards are essential protective devices for your teeth, especially if you participate in sports or suffer from nighttime teeth grinding (bruxism). At First Dental Center, we offer high-quality, custom-fitted mouthguards that provide superior comfort and protection compared to over-the-counter options.

Types of Mouthguards Offered:

Sports Mouthguards: Designed for athletes in contact sports such as football, basketball, hockey, and others.

Night Guards: Made for patients who grind their teeth at night, it helps reduce jaw strain and prevent tooth damage.


Process of Getting a Mouthguard

Initial Consultation: Discuss your needs and the best type of mouthguard for you, whether for sports or night protection. Impression Taking: We take precise impressions of your teeth, which are used to craft your custom mouthguard for a perfect fit. Mouthguard Fabrication: Your mouthguard is crafted in a dental lab using durable, high-quality materials tailored to your specific requirements. Fitting Appointment: Once your mouthguard is ready, you'll come in for a fitting to ensure comfort and effectiveness. Adjustments are made as needed.


What Are the Next Steps?

Schedule a Consultation: Contact us to set up an appointment to discuss your mouthguard needs. Get Fitted: Visit our clinic to have impressions taken for your custom mouthguard. Pick Up and Fit: Return to our clinic to receive your mouthguard and ensure it fits perfectly.


  • How long do mouthguards last?

    With proper care, a custom mouthguard can last several years. However, it’s important to bring it to your regular dental checkups for inspections for wear and fit adjustments.

  • How do I care for my mouthguard?

    Rinse your mouthguard with water after each use and clean it regularly with mild soap. Store it in a ventilated case to dry completely between uses.

  • Are mouthguards comfortable to wear?

    Custom-fitted mouthguards are designed for comfort and safety. They should fit snugly without causing pain or discomfort.

Where are we located?

Front exterior of First Dental Center with a blue sign and potted plants by the entrance.

First Dental Center

4108 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60613


Parking is available behind the building, and we're close to the bus stop.


Monday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm