Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth are the third molars in the very back of your mouth. They don’t always need to be removed, but they can cause problems if they are not growing in properly. We provide advanced state-of-the-art oral surgery and wisdom teeth removal.

  • Icon depicting a price tag with a dollar sign in the center, representing cost or pricing information.


    The cost of wisdom teeth removal can vary depending on factors like the number of teeth to be removed, the complexity of the case, and your insurance coverage. We offer various payment and financing options to accommodate our patients.

    Office Fees
  • Icon depicting an hourglass, representing the concept of time, duration, or waiting period.

    Procedure Duration

    The duration of the wisdom teeth removal procedure depends on the number of teeth to be removed and the complexity of the case. Typically, it can take anywhere from 20 minutes to over an hour. Our team works efficiently to ensure a smooth and swift procedure.

    Schedule Online
  • Icon depicting a stylized tooth with three lightning bolts above it, representing tooth pain or dental sensitivity.

    Pain Level

    Modern techniques and anesthesia significantly reduce pain during the procedure. Post-operative discomfort is normal but can typically be managed with prescribed pain relievers and home care instructions.

    Sedation Dentistry

Comprehensive Wisdom Teeth Extraction Services

Wisdom teeth removal is a common dental procedure aimed at extracting the third molars, which are the last set of teeth to develop. Removing wisdom teeth can prevent overcrowding, reduce the risk of dental problems such as impaction and infections, and improve overall oral health.


Process of Wisdom Teeth Removal

Consultation and X-rays: Initial consultation to examine your teeth and take X-rays to determine the position of the wisdom teeth and the appropriate treatment plan. Anesthesia: Administration of local anesthesia, sedation, or general anesthesia, depending on your needs and the complexity of the extraction. Extraction: Removal of the wisdom teeth, which may involve sectioning the teeth or minor gum surgery depending on their position and impaction. Recovery: Immediate post-operative care instructions are provided to ensure a smooth recovery.


Next Steps After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Follow-Up Care: We schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor your healing and address any concerns. Post-Operative Instructions: Detailed instructions on managing swelling, diet, and activity to ensure optimal recovery. Support: Our team is available to provide support and answer any questions during your recovery period.


  • How do I know if my wisdom teeth need removed?

    It is important to note that every patient is unique, but there are some common signs that may indicate a need to have your wisdom teeth removed. These signs include:

    – Impaction: This occurs when the tooth is stuck under the gums or completely hidden. If wisdom teeth do not emerge normally, they can become trapped within your jaw, leading to infection or even causing a cyst that can damage other teeth or roots.

    – Changing bite alignment: Wisdom teeth can grow at various angles in the jaw, including horizontally, which can cause a change in your bite alignment.

    – Crowding or damage to existing teeth: Wisdom teeth may not have enough room to come in properly, which can cause crowding or damage to existing teeth.

    – Partial emergence: If your wisdom teeth only partially emerge through the gums, it can create a magnet for bacteria that can cause gum disease and oral infections.

    Many dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth at an early age before the roots and bone are fully formed. This is often when recovery is faster.

  • How do I relieve wisdom tooth pain?

    As wisdom teeth emerge through your jawbone and start to break through your gum line, they may become inflamed or bleed, leading to headaches or tooth pain. To alleviate wisdom tooth pain, you can try the following remedies:

    – Rinse your mouth with salt water

    – Apply peppermint essential oil or clove oil to soothe the pain

    – Take aspirin or an over-the-counter pain reliever

    – Place an ice pack or heating pad on your cheeks.

  • What is an impacted wisdom tooth?

    When a wisdom tooth doesn’t have enough space to grow normally, it is known as an impacted wisdom tooth. There are different types of impacted wisdom teeth depending on where they are located within the jaw. Soft tissue impaction happens when the tooth’s crown has pushed through the bone, but the gum still covers a part of the tooth. Partially bony impaction occurs when the tooth has partially erupted, but a part of it remains submerged in the jawbone. Complete bony impaction happens when the tooth is entirely surrounded by jawbone.


dental implants on a blue background

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are used to support the replacement of a single tooth or multiple teeth depending on the individual’s requirements and condition. Reading about the pros and cons of the process may help you decide if dental implants are right for you.

Where are we located?

Front exterior of First Dental Center with a blue sign and potted plants by the entrance.

First Dental Center

4108 N Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60613


Parking is available behind the building, and we're close to the bus stop.


Monday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm